Uploading images:
To upload images to the player, first select 24 images in the 360 photography you took. Then give them name the files ( name_# from 01 to 24) or to the total number of images you use. This can be done with any sequence of images and not just 360 photography. You can have a sequence of someone jumping for instance, or drinking tea.
Custom Controls:
To add custom controls, simply select the options in the design panel that will show up on your player. Here you can set controls with the play button, pause button, scale, left and right buttons.
Saving Files
When you save the file simply click “save settings” at the button and the project will be saved to your “My Project” dashboard.
My Projects
Your projects will be on the “my projects” page and you will be able to access them and embed them to your site. The images will be hosted with 360 Product Player.
Embedding to your Site
Simple click the “Copy iframe Code” and it will act as a copy and paste tool. Once you click this button, go to your site and right click and press paste. or command v.